한 걸음 두 걸음
[KNR] Submersible EDM Boat Sampling System 본문
This technology involves collecting samples from welded joints as a precise means to identify the exact causes of defects in equipment located within nuclear power plants. It allows underwater operations without affecting neighboring equipment and can access confined spaces with nozzle angles of less than 40 degrees.
This is a proven technology successfully utilized within actual nuclear power plants for collecting samples. It can be entrusted with confidence, as it has been validated through its application in real nuclear power plant environments. Additionally, the capability of remote control within the inaccessible interior of the nuclear plant ensures the safety of workers, as human intervention is not required.
32-15 Techno 7-ro Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Contact. TEL +82 70-4915-0946 FAX +82 42-671-0563 E-mail id_eng_nam@naver.com
WNE 2023 (Oct, 28~30) Paris, See you at the exhibition!
- KNR (korea nuclear power robotics)
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