목록업무 (3)
한 걸음 두 걸음

Boat sampling that can be applied in a short period without damaging the base material This technology involves collecting samples from welded joints as a precise means to identify the exact causes of defects in equipment located within nuclear power plants. It allows underwater operations without affecting neighboring equipment. All nozzles and even spaces with nozzle angles of less than 40 deg..

A Novel Approach to Foreign object Management in SG Tubes(16.9Ø) Steam generator maintenance is conducted periodically, and owing to advancements in inspection technologies, there is a growing incidence of identifying extraneous materials within the steam generator structure. We propose a miniature in-bore Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) system designed for the safe removal of foreign mater..
소량 제작 견적 (임시 영어명함 제작을 위해) 업체 수량 가격 비고 비즈하우스_빠른명함제작 70매 7,700 배송비별도 비즈하우스_프리미엄명함 100매 11,000 비즈하우스_프리미엄명함 200매 15,800 대전_와우프레스 100매 5,170 배송비 3000 대전_와우프레스 400매 15,840 배송비 3000 대전_와우프레스 4200매 166,320 무료배송 여러가지 주문해봤지만 대체로 비즈하우스가 비싸긴 하다. 네이버스마트스토어 찾아보면 더 저렴한 곳 많겠지만, 유의미한 차이가 없을 것으로 예상됨.